As wellness business owners are aware, the spa customer journey is an important factor in building a successful business.

It consists of effectively establishing a relationship between the wellness establishment and its customers—from their initial contact forming an impression of your spa through to the experiences they have when visiting.

Crafting memorable experiences with smooth transitions from one touchpoint to the next is essential for a successful customer journey, as it has been proven that well-designed service interactions can establish loyalty and trust with your customers. With well-thought-out strategies for creating seamless customer experiences, wellness business owners can provide their clients with enjoyable spa experiences and improve their overall satisfaction.

If you're a spa owner or planning to open to your spa, we highly recommend taking a look at our Spa Guest Experience Audit.

For spas, when does the customer journey start?

Many would assume that a spa customer's journey starts the moment the customer walks in through your doors, but the reality is that it starts way before that.

It starts when the customer isn't a customer but rather just a person who's unaware of your services and your business. How do they get to know your business? What's the first thing they'll see that will introduce them to who you are and what your business is? What will pique their interest in contacting you or booking a service?

Many times, it's online reviews, social media posts, or your website. If a person is interested in a type of service you offer, they will search online to check their options or chat with a friend to ask for recommendations. In our digital age, it's rare for people to just walk into your spa for a first impression. They would have already made that first impression when they saw your social post, your website, or online reviews about your services.

This is why it's important to ensure that all of your digital presence works together to create a positive first impression and encourage customers to get in touch with you. You can also provide additional information on your services, packages and other offerings through various channels, such as email marketing or engaging content on social media.

It's also important to work on your business branding from end to end - it's not just about the physical store. It needs to be effectively applied to all possible touchpoints like your website, social media pages, and collaterals.

Creating an effective customer journey is key to ensuring your spa business succeeds. By understanding and optimizing your customer journey, you can provide a more enjoyable experience for your clients, drive more bookings and increase loyalty.

We hope this article has been helpful in giving you an overview of the importance of the customer journey and where it actually starts.

Blue skies,

Sam & Sonja | The Wellness Makers

Posted on January 23, 2023 .