Pre-Opening Checklist: A Must-Have for Your Wellness Business

Opening a wellness business, like a spa, can be an exciting but overwhelming experience. 

Countless tasks must be completed before the grand opening, and getting lost is easy. 

By using this checklist, wellness business owners can save time, avoid costly mistakes, and ensure that their business is set up for success from the very beginning. Furthermore, it provides a framework for continuous improvement, helping business owners to refine their operations and achieve their goals.

The Wellness Makers have covered every essential aspect of the business. In addition, the Pre-Opening Checklist guarantees that business owners are on track and helps reduce stress and anxiety by providing a clear and concise roadmap.

This tool is designed to guide you through 9 different sections necessary to opening your wellness business. So, if you’re wondering where to start, this checklist is the perfect starting point. 

One of these sections is "Strategy", which focuses on establishing the business's goals and objectives by answering these questions as your guide:

•             Why do you want a spa/wellness business? (your objectives)

•             Who do you want to serve? (your target market)

•             What would success look like to you? 

The remaining sections are Story, System, Services, Spaces, Suppliers, Staff, Social Responsibility, and Sales. Currently, we have the Business Pre-Opening Checklist which is an overview document available from our resources, and we’re currently working on a more in-depth resource, diving into every single step, and will make it available for you soon.

As the famous saying goes, ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.’

So here are 5 important benefits of planning ahead:

1.       Builds brand awareness: A pre-opening period allows you to create buzz about your business and build anticipation among potential customers.

2.       Establishes relationships: This time can be used to network with other industry players, such as suppliers and investors, and cement relationships that can help ensure success after opening day.

3.       Teaches you the ropes: It's important to have a good understanding of the operations of your business before it officially opens its doors so you are well prepared for anything that may arise.

4.       Allows for testing: You can use this time to test new strategies or services in a low-pressure environment while getting feedback from potential customers which will enable you to refine your offerings before launch.

5.       Prepares legal matters: Pre-opening allows enough time for lawyers and other professionals to go through all the necessary paperwork needed to start up and run a business successfully.

We are committed to empowering you with the knowledge and means to bring your wellness business to life. So schedule a call today to share your wellness business vision with our team. We look forward to assisting you in achieving your business goals!

Blue Skies,

Sam & Sonja

Posted on April 4, 2023 .